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MANCHESTER — The Western Terrestrials announced today that its film “The Ballad of Ethan Alien,” a 75-minute sci-fi musical created entirely during the pandemic, will be released in its final version and shown at venues throughout Vermont this summer and fall.

One of the first stops will be a showing from 7 to 9 p.m. today on the Town Green in Manchester. Bob Stannard will be the special musical guest.

“The film is uniquely Vermont,” said the film’s producer, Barnard-based filmmaker Teo Zagar. “Yet it highlights concepts that will resonate well beyond the Green Mountain state, such as inclusivity, collective action, diversity, anti-racism and the importance of artistic expression.”...

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"Cosmic country outfit Western Terrestrials will stream a live set they recently recorded at A Sound Space studio in Rutland. The show will be available starting on Wednesday, June 23, at 7 p.m. and can be streamed from both the band and studio's Facebook pages. No worries if you miss the premiere, though. Western Terrestrials will post the set to their website and YouTube and social media channels."

- Chris Farnsworth, SevenDays Music Editor / Photo courtesy of George Nostrand

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Hey there space cowboys! Your favorite "rooten-tooten-fresh-and-moo'in-UFO-driving-honky-tonk'n" band just added new "LIVE AND IN PERSON" dates where you can actually stand in the same room with them!






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